
July 27-Aug 24:
Sister Allyson Mullen
MTC Mailbox # 205
NZE-AUC 0824
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Aug 24-Dec 2012 (letters only! ...if you feel so inclined to send me a package half way across the world, talk to my sister):
New Zealand Auckland Mission
P.O. Box 33-840
Takapuna, North Shore City 0740
New Zealand
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Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Auckland Anniversary Day!

...just like most holidays here, no one seems to know why they celebrate it, but lots of businesses close down and everyone goes to the beach! Haha, apparently there is a Wellington Day too...they've just got random holidays all over the place.
It's been another good week, except I can't seem to remember much of what companion put it a good way, "Once monday is here...friday is here, but Saturday & Sunday are each a week long." Saturdays can be so long being in the VC for 6 hours. On Saturday, one couple stopped in because they saw the temple (it really is cool where it's's far from the city, so just out in the country with a bunch of green hills, but it's on a hill, so you can see it sticking out above everything from far away) & thought it looked gorgeous! The tour with them started off good teaching them about the history of the church in New Zealand, but then when we got into the second room (all about's got the Christus and pictures of Christ on the walls) it turned out to be not so good. They've defintiely had contact with the church and the guy had a Book of Mormon, but after sharing my testimony of the Book of Mormon and how I know without a doubt that it's true, they wanted to debate me, "how can you know "without a doubt" that it's true?" They were going into how we don't know exactly where it all happened, but for the bible we know where some of those places are. & It seems a bit fishy that some guy got some plates, "translated" them and then showed em to a few friends. This couple just wanted concrete proof of the Book of Mormon instead of exercising some faith. & then he tried to tell me I've been taught what to believe. I left after that because we were done with our shift at the VC, but after talking to the Sister who finished the tour, she said that they told her "We'll pray for you because you have all deceived." That never puts a smile on my face, but experiences like that never shake my faith. They're actually just good reminders of my testimony and how solid it is. I know what I have come to find out is true and there's no one who can take that away from me.
We had a good lesson with this girl we met at church a couple weeks ago. She's been to the LDS church several times throughout her whole life, and we met her at church w/ her cousin who got baptized a year ago. We taught her the first half of the restoration the other day, and then last night she came up to the VC where we finished it off and had her watch the hour long Joseph Smith movie and the Spirit was definitely present! Before the movie, we invited her to be baptized after she came to know if these things are true and she was so anxious to say yes! She's preparing for the 11th, but is afraid it'll be too soon, but she's so prepared and I know she'll be ready! She's 20 and cute and a hip hop dancer and I'm a little bit jealous, ha, but I'm so glad we found her!
...I don't know what happened to the funny stories. People I guess are just not so crazy here in Hamilton. Lame.
Love you! Hope you have a good week!
      Sister Mullen

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