
July 27-Aug 24:
Sister Allyson Mullen
MTC Mailbox # 205
NZE-AUC 0824
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Aug 24-Dec 2012 (letters only! ...if you feel so inclined to send me a package half way across the world, talk to my sister):
New Zealand Auckland Mission
P.O. Box 33-840
Takapuna, North Shore City 0740
New Zealand
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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Just a Crazy, But Entertaining Week

Talofa Lava!

Hmm, an interesting week, lots of funny stories, but to be honest, not a whole lot of "spiritual missionary" stories. Ha. One thing I do love about being at the VC is being able to see people from Tauranga. I saw this member, Sister Rudo, I'm sure no one remembers her, but she's the old lady who saved my life as a new missionary. Fed us dinner the first night we got there because we didn't have any food in the new flat that the sisters just moved into and she bought my sheets and blanket, besides the fact that she came out with us several times a week for lessons. She's the best. I actually wrote her a letter last week and was ecstatic to see her at the VC on Saturday, and she was definitely excited to see me, I felt special. She misses the sisters so so much (they put elders in when I left. That's happened in 3 of my that supposed to mean something?) She said the elders are just so...young! Haha, she's the best. Who knew I had a best friend to come find in NZ who's 60 years older than me?

Saturday, a family of 2 brothers & 2 sisters came in. They live in Rotorua, but they're dad is having surgery at the hospital here and they could see the temple from his hospital room, so they decided to come out here! Yay! I wasn't able to give them a whole tour, but talked to them about the history of the church in New Zealand, building the temple and church college and what goes on in the temple and it was just SO refreshing being able to teach someone who was so accepting and willing to listen. They didn't want to get baptized (even though i just want them to and know that they're ready and want and need this) but they just found it all so interesting and I'm just praying they'll meet missionaries at home. It's such a blessing to be at the VC and have sincerely interested people come to us and to take a break from the rejection.

On to the funny stories:
-Witnessed a proposal at the VC this week. So presh.
-Remember the adopted daughter that got baptized a couple weeks ago? Well the dad still wants us to teach her everything, so I was calling to set up an appointment, and he of course knew it was us right away (it's like I have an accent or something...everyone ALWAYS knows it's the missionaries when I call) & he said, "What do you pesky mormons want? ...I've got to mean to you, it makes you stronger. What's that scripture? 'Blessed are the persecuted...' " & then I asked to talk to his son who's in the YSA ward (because we wanted his help with an investigator) & the dad said , "No, you can't date my son!" I think he said something about permission from the mission president, but I just DIED laughing because it was awkward as a missionary and just awkward for Ally. Doubly awkward. But that's what you do as a missionary. Awkwardness. It took me a while to gain composure to actually be able to talk to him. Thankfully I understand that family's sense of humor.
-Got chased by a dog. Almost felt good actually. Haven't done that since I got to Hamilton.
-A member thought my italian companion sounded like TI & Rihanna and like she's from Atlanta....uh, what?
-Went to the YSA ward we cover for the first time since I've been here in this area. It was weird at first being a missionary and feeling like I was back at BYU. But then I remembered how I definitely prefer YSA over family wards. Let's be honest, RS in family wards is all about being a mom.
-Dinner with this intense, but good member. She loves saying phrases in maori and then saying, "What I said in maori is..." Showed us where she hides the spare key so we can come get some kai (food) if we want.

I've been studying grace a lot lately and as I've been reading scriptures about how Christ came to save us from our sins, not in our sins, it just doesn't make sense to me how people think we don't have to work towards the privilege and honor of being able to live with our Heavenly Father. But also have re-realized that if we don't repent, we won't want to live in God's presence. It won't be enjoyable for us. It really is a choice. So let's make good choices. :)

Like I said...interesting week. Love yous!

    Sister Mullen

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