
July 27-Aug 24:
Sister Allyson Mullen
MTC Mailbox # 205
NZE-AUC 0824
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Aug 24-Dec 2012 (letters only! ...if you feel so inclined to send me a package half way across the world, talk to my sister):
New Zealand Auckland Mission
P.O. Box 33-840
Takapuna, North Shore City 0740
New Zealand
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Sunday, August 5, 2012

I'm On A Mission. I've Been on a Mission for Ages Now and I'm One of the Old Ones. Weird.

Drum roll for transfers...still in Temple View, like I knew I was going to be. Took the Tongan Ward away. It was so SAD being in only palagi wards this week...the singing is pathetic! And the Tongan hymns are just more fun anyway. My companion is Sister Somma, she's from Italy. She's already been here 2 1/2 transfers, so I know her and it's been fun. Funny how with some companions you have more awkward/funny moments than with others. I think we're going to have lots of awkward/funny moments. We're doing this traning in all of our wards for the RS & priesthood about helping the members see how they can do missionary work and to get them excited, and we do a role play with a couple in the ward and when we were practicing with one couple...I said we were going to try to make this be natural & he said, "I've never seen a missionary be natural." I just DIED laughing because I've talking with these elders a lot about how awkward we are as misisonaries and how many awkward things you have to do. Speaking off...we were planning on using this sister who works at the Distribution Centre and we see all the time, I was planning on using her and her husband (or who I thought was her husband) because I ALWAYS see her with him. I saw on the ward roster that it didn't say she had a spouse, but I just thought the records were messed up, I knew he was a member, anyway, didn't think of all the options, so we caught her at the Distribution Centre and asked her if her and her husband could help us out & he said, "I don't have one of those!" Thankfully she was laughing, and I just said, "Oh whoops, sorry! Okay....bye! See you later!" There was NOTHING I could have we just left. Oh my.
So we did that training in 2 wards yesterday, oh my...RS & priesthood can be a tough crowd! I've never taught any sort of a lesson before besides seminary & it just reminded me how I don't want to be a teacher...but I felt more comfortable doing it than I thought I would.
Interesting week with transfers. I really didn't want things to change, but once they did, I remembered that everything was going to be fine and I'll just go on being a missionary.
I had a really good study the other day where I really understood what it meant that the Book of Mormon really is evidence that we have a prophet today. It sounds dumb. And I already believed it before, but it was just made extra clear to me reading D&C 20: 10-12," Which was given by inspiration, and is confirmed to others by the ministering of angels, and is declared unto the world by them- Proving to the world that the holy scriptures are true, and that God does inspire men and call them to his holy work in this age and generation, as well as in generations of old; Thereby showing that he is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.:" I'm still struggling to be able to explain what I learned, and what the difference was of what I thought before and after...but all I know is that I know it without a doubt. I guess I just understand how important it was that we have the Book of Mormon as evidence today. Joseph Smith would still be a prophet without the Book of Mormon, but Heavenly Father knew how much the world today would need evidence. And how that is one of the main purposes of the Book of Mormon is to prove the "divinty of the latter-day work," but thankfully we can learn heaps from reading it too!
Lately I've done a lot of reflecting, maybe because Sister Perry went home last week, which was one of the saddest days of my mission, thank goodness she was in Hamilton so the Elders let us pick her up and take her to the bus stop (to go up to Auckland), and the way things worked out, we were able to talk for like half an hour. The mission is just over so fast! I've been thinking about how I came our here looking for no personal gain, but I am the one who has gained the most. I've also been able to see my patriarchal blessing take place in my life as a missionary in more ways than I even thought possible. I've been able to see how Heavenly Father needed me to come on a mission to become who I need to be. One kind of lame thing to admit is, as a missionary I've finally come to love the Ensign. I'll be honest, I don't think I've opened an Ensign besides for Conference. But now I can't get enough. July is about overcoming trials, being patient, trusting the Lord's will, and I just love it all! So much to read, and never enough time!
Uh-oh, did'nt even mention our baptism yesterday. So this girl has been living with this family for 4 years, and she is finally adopted and so she could finally get baptized. And I definitely felt the spirit there and could tell how long she had been waiting for this and it was finally possible! It was so fun to see it finally happen. We had so many people there we had to move it to the chapel. Loved it.
Ofa atu,
     Sister Mullen
PS Welcome to the family Sydney, even if you are a little one. Haha

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