
July 27-Aug 24:
Sister Allyson Mullen
MTC Mailbox # 205
NZE-AUC 0824
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Aug 24-Dec 2012 (letters only! ...if you feel so inclined to send me a package half way across the world, talk to my sister):
New Zealand Auckland Mission
P.O. Box 33-840
Takapuna, North Shore City 0740
New Zealand
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Monday, September 3, 2012

Just a Random As Letter

Hi. It's me again.

Not the most amazing week, but still good. I'm still (that's for you Danny). I feel like I just have random thoughts/stories from the week, so here we go:

-Sister Somma was sick, so Sister Chan (the sister I trained) came with me to a lesson and that experience was definitely a tender mercy. It was cool to see how much she's grown even in the last 5 weeks since we broke up. It was fun having her back me up in the car again, haha, and it just felt like we were companions again. Love that girl so much. She's training this upcoming transfer and I just feel like a proud parent, my little Sister Chan is growing up. Oh, I still feel so blessed to have had her as a companion.
-Kelly, our main investigator: he's preparing to be baptized on September 22. He has short term memory loss, so it makes things interesting. His sister is a member and he's just fun to be around. It's been fun teaching him.
-When a member found out I'm from Texas, he told me, "When we're all forced to move to the states to build Zion, I want to live in Texas." Unfortunately Zion won't be in Texas, but I'm glad he knows which is the best state.
-Our Visitors' Centre directors from Canada have FINALLY gotten here. They are a lovely couple and I'm excited to serve with them. (Well, hopefully I stay here and serve with them.) They feel quite overwhelmed with their responsibilities and just being in a new country too. I just remembered how lost I felt being here too and told them they're not alone. I constantly had to ask Sister Perry what people were saying because I just didn't understand...especially the kiwi lingo.
-Our stake had a glee fest this week. It was so fun. Our stake needs to jump on that ship. It just made me think of how fun it was when I would make "music videos" with Mel and Carolyn...except they were singing too and had better costumes than us pulling things out of our closets. Oh my, I am just DYING to watch some of those videos right now.
-A funny story from a couple weeks ago that I forgot to share:

So we were on chats, but having some technical difficulties. Sister Somma couldn't type, so I had to say everything in the conversation, but we found out half way through that I wasn't getting everything that person was saying on my screen, so it made for some pretty funny comments. What I did NOT see is in green, so I would say one thing, but it turns out she had said something else in the mean time, so it made my comment out of place. I hope you  understand...we were dying laughing when we found out what had happened.

(she was asking about Santa Clause...)
Lucy: I thought there was a Christian Santa, a Jewish Santa and a Hindu Santa.
Lucy: And they all deliver presents to children of their faith.
Lucy: Do Mormon Children not get presents then?
Allyson: Not that I personally know of, but I can't speak for other churches.

Allyson: Do you have a belief in Jesus Christ Lucy?
Lucy: I don't really know much about him.
Lucy: I'm just kind of looking into religions now.
Lucy: To find out what they are about. I've seen some pictures of him before though and I must say he has superb facial hair.
Allyson: That's cool, well how have you heard of our Church before?

...but now that I've typed this up, it doesn't seem funny. Hope you get a laugh out of it. Some stories just don't translate well into an email.

We had a cool experience going to see a less active family. We knocked on the door, and she said that she had requested no visits, but let us in and gave us a hot drink. So we were able to talk for a bit, and I'll be honest, sometimes I had NO idea what to say, but I knew that Heavenly Father would not open my mouth to speak, and that I just had to start talking and it would come. We were both praying hard out to know what to say, and thankfully we were on the same page and bringing it back to the Atonement. She said we had lovely spirits about us and invited us back! That definitely was an inspired visit and was a reminder that I am here doing the Lord's work. It feels good to help people. I was thinking of the pre-mish days and feeling like I was doing nothing to grow and progress, especially in the gospel...and the thought that came to my mind was, "How was playing kickball helping anyone progress??" Haha, I'm sure I'll go home and keep on playing intramural kickball...but for now, it seems like there are better things to do.

Had a good study today looking up scriptures in under "Trust in the Lord" in the topical guide. The scriptures I came across talked about the blessings that come from trusting in the Lord: deliverance from our enemies, mercy, love, and most importantly: eternal life. So let's just do it. It really is so much better when you know that you're doing what the Lord wants you to do. So let's all care more about what the Lord thinks instead of what other people think. It'll make us happy. Easier said than done, right?

Love y'all (people love it on the rare occasion I say 'y'all' I need to say it more.) Love the gospel. Love New Zealand.

Ofa atu!
    Sister Mullen

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