
July 27-Aug 24:
Sister Allyson Mullen
MTC Mailbox # 205
NZE-AUC 0824
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Aug 24-Dec 2012 (letters only! ...if you feel so inclined to send me a package half way across the world, talk to my sister):
New Zealand Auckland Mission
P.O. Box 33-840
Takapuna, North Shore City 0740
New Zealand
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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Transfer Time!

Kia Ora!
     It's already transfers again, craziness!! Found out last week that I'm actually training---even more craziness! Who decided I'm old enough and mature enough to train? I'm kind of freaking out because you never ever forget your trainer, good or bad, and I just hope we get along, haha. Unfortunately I didn't get to find out who and were I'm going yes (I know sisters in the past have) so I have to wait til Wednesday to find out. Definitely have mixed feelings, but I'm excited and hope it'll be good! I keep telling Sister Tovale, "I can't do this when I'm training" whenever I do...umm, well just all sorts of the weird things I do that make me me...but then I remember how that's how I make missionary work fun, so yeah, I'll still do those things, like singing in the car or making all sorts of weird noises.
We had 2 sisters finish their missions today and it was just weird. Saturday, I was tearing up a little bit, but today it just didn't feel real. It just made me realize how sad it'll be when it's all over, but at the same time, I'm no where near going home, so of course I don't feel ready to be done. But it's crazy how fast time flies!
Our exciting news for the week is that we had a baptism! Finally! This girl wa set for 14 April, but got moved back b/c that's when they were showing General Conference, and then got moved back again because the baptizer wasn't available that weekend. Anywho, her mum is a less active and is coming back to church since her daughter wanted to be baptized. Her name is Chilo, she's 10 years old and so cute. Love the girl. We had probably 50 people at the baptism, it was so fun. Unfortunately only like 2 families from the ward were there. They didn't announce it and not many people know their family, it was all friends and family at the baptism and both her dad and step-dad were there, both non-members, and it seemed like they have a really good experience. We talked to the dad and he said he's never been to a baptism before and was really glad he came. Hopefully they'll soften up soon.
Other than that, not a whole lot is happening right now. We have this 15 year old boy who changes his mind every day about getting baptized or not. One day he's so pumped and excited, next day, "I don't know..." Last week he didn't come to church because he didn't have any shoes, he only had his running shoes that he din't want to wear, so we had an elder in our district who wore his size and had an extra pair of shoes, so we took em to our investigator and he was complaining because they don't go with the skinny pants he would wear to church, oh my goodness. I was getting quite frustrated with him and his 15 year oldness.
Umm...I love New Zealand, I love being a missionary even though it's quite hard sometimes, but there really is nothing like it. Just funny to think about the concerns I had about coming on a mission and now I'm thinking, "Duh, of course I needed to do this and be here." Love you! Hope you have a fabulous week!
     Sister Mullen

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