
July 27-Aug 24:
Sister Allyson Mullen
MTC Mailbox # 205
NZE-AUC 0824
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Aug 24-Dec 2012 (letters only! ...if you feel so inclined to send me a package half way across the world, talk to my sister):
New Zealand Auckland Mission
P.O. Box 33-840
Takapuna, North Shore City 0740
New Zealand
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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Still Love the Tongans

So we had our amazing baptism yesterday! Yay! 7 total got baptized and it was just so much fun. Almost the whole ward was there...that's the way it should be at a baptism. It was crazy seeing them all be baptized...they just kept coming and coming and coming! They had them share their testimonies afterwards, and it was so cute how the younger boys got up and just said, "I know the church is true because I prayed about it. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen." Then their oldest brother, we asked him how he felt seeing them get baptized and he said it was amazing. So we asked when is his turn, he said maybe next year...and we said "Maybe next week." He's praying about it...hopefully it happens soon. Also, Kaysharn, the miracle we found out about last Sunday who also wanted to be baptized, his mum definitely felt the Spirit as well and she said she wants to be baptized so we're aiming for the 23rd with her. We may have some obstacles, her partner is still trying to finalize his divorce or something...but I believe in miracles! Then of course we had a huge feed after the baptism. BUt we had to go because we have to be home early Sunday nights, so they told us to take our plates and fill em up, but right after the prayer, everyone just ran up to the tables and was shobing food on their plates with their little forks, it was so funny. And then a member was getting ANOTHER plate for us because Tongans just love giving missionaries food. The Zone Leaders left early and said they almost wouldn't let them leave without taking food, somehow they managed to not take any food though. Anywho, love the Tongan ward, it's a gold mine. My District leader kindly reminded me that I was a little less than excited to come to Temple View because they're all members, but we have been so blessed to find a family! Oh, almost forgot, it was complete chaos having all of them at the VC wednesday night to have their interview. Kaysharn, so we met him Tuesday night, taught him what he needed to know, and then wednesday night he tells me I look different with my glasses and asks, "you're brainy, eh? you're brainy cuz you've got glasses, eh?" And then they wanted to go watch kiosks, but we were trying to keep them contained in the theatre. And then they were AMAZED at how I could make the led go away on my meechanical pencil. Oh the tricks I've got.
Obviously that baptism was the highlight of the week and a wonderful blessing. Can't think of much else that happened.
Love yous!
     Sister Mullen
PS one of my favorite things about being in the Tongan ward is how loud they sing. It never gets old. It's so much fun. We bought Tongan hymnbooks so we can for sure always sing with them. :)

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