
July 27-Aug 24:
Sister Allyson Mullen
MTC Mailbox # 205
NZE-AUC 0824
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Aug 24-Dec 2012 (letters only! ...if you feel so inclined to send me a package half way across the world, talk to my sister):
New Zealand Auckland Mission
P.O. Box 33-840
Takapuna, North Shore City 0740
New Zealand
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Quite Disoriented Having Cold Weather This Time of Year

Maloelelei! (Once again...need to work on my spelling in Tongan)
Things are finally starting to go faster this transfer. I think this week actually went pretty fast. We FINALLY got in contact with an investigator who's been waiting for her husband to get the Melchizedek priesthood so he can baptize and confirm her, and thankfully she still wants to get baptized and we went over the Baptismal Interview Questions with her and she is so solid! It's so exciting, she's just been hard to get a hold of.
We also have another investigator, Maree, she's been taught on and off by missionaries for almost a year. She comes to church every week, no problem. Then Saturday, the sister's investigator's baptism got moved to 6:00 pm, so Maree could go. There was a little miscommunication between my comp and the memeber, the member thought she said "Grandview" instead of "Glenview" ....but there isn't even a chapel on Grandview. Anyway, they show up like 2 minutes before the actual baptism happened (I hate how Satan works sometimes) But Maree was able to see it, and then afterwards, we were talking to her about how she felt watching the baptism and she said she felt really calm and that it should have been her and that she should have done it a long time ago, so we set her for next Saturday! Yayy! We got a call later that night that she really wants her nan to be there, and she has to work this upcomping weekend, so it's been moved back another week, but she kept saying, "I'm still going to get baptized. I still want to do this." and that was so exciting that she was already calling and telling people. The only problem is her partner. We reminded her that someone has to move out or get married. She thought they'd be fine since they're not even sleepign in the same bed, so that'll be our obstacle, but I have complete faith it'll work out. Her partner, Anzac, is on home detention til November, but before the baptism, he was telling Maree that her and their 9 yr old daughter should get baptized, and he'll get baptized when he's ready. He's been the one holding her back because he doesn't want to get married. But I can see how much she really wanted it after seeing the baptism, so I know it's going to happen! Ahh. It felt so good and was a reminder that I'm definitely her doing the Lord's work and we are just acting in His place. Love it.
Lots of patience to learn training, but it's helping me grow so much. Learning to strengthen my relationship with Heavenly Father when I don't really have anyone else to talk to. Oh, I realized I probably never talk about some of the chats I have online, we had a cool one this week with a Jewish girl who is interested in getting baptized, but she hasn't even been to church yet. She has some good member friends,but said she'd get baptized after she learns a little more. Yay! Love it when we have good chats. Sometimes we get random people getting into deep doctrine, it just makes my head hurt and I don't even know how to explain it. But it's always refreshing to have a good chat. Hope everyone's doing okay, love yous!
Ofa Atu,
   Sister Mullen

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