
July 27-Aug 24:
Sister Allyson Mullen
MTC Mailbox # 205
NZE-AUC 0824
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Aug 24-Dec 2012 (letters only! ...if you feel so inclined to send me a package half way across the world, talk to my sister):
New Zealand Auckland Mission
P.O. Box 33-840
Takapuna, North Shore City 0740
New Zealand
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012


So Dad corrected me b/c "Ni Hao" is mandarin, and they speak Cantonese in Hong Kong, where my comp is from, so I asked her how to say Hello in Cantonese and she told me one way, but said it was really proper and no one said it that way, so everyone just says, "Hello." So there you go.
Kind of a long week! We had a fireside Tuesday night with Elder Hamula, our area president. It was really good, fun to see all my friends from past wards since all three Hamilton stakes were there. I got to see Sis. Fatu and her daughter, I baptized their husband/dad while I was there, such an exciting journey with him. MIracles all over the place. Anyway, he wasn't there b/c they're ward said it was a youth fireside. Lame. But they said he was getting the Melchizedek Priesthood this weekend at Stake Conference! Yay! Nothing better than hearing that my converts are still progressing! Especially since it's with/for his family and I'm almost certain they'll get sealed in a year. Oh, I miss the Fatus & their crazy kids!
So Wednesday we had Zone Conference this week with Elder Hamula as well and it was so good! Kinda funny, I felt quite stressed and overwhelmed after the morning half of the conference, felt a little bit better by the end, but that night I was stressed again, and when I told that to an elder, he said "What? That's the complete opposite of what's suppose to happen after Zone Conference." Yeah, yeah. We've just got a lot going on, or maybe not a lot going on, and I felt like there was SO much I needed to work on after Zone Conference, but either way, loved it. He talked a lot deciding ahead of time to act on the answers to our prayers God gives us and that's when Heavenly Father will answer us, about having enough faith, especially in ourselves as missionaries and doing the Lord's work and the power we have. That's something I definitely underestimate...the power and spirit I have as a missionary. It was a great conference I just want to hear more from Elder Hamula! I actually was also "randomly" chosen to have an interview with him. I had no idea what I could/should ask him, but it was still good to meet with him. He asked me why I came out, and how I've seen myself grow since I've been out and it was just good to vocalize that and to realize how much I have changed and grown. I guess that's part of the reason I felt stressed at the end of the night was because I felt like I didn't take good enougha dvantage of the opportunity I had to meet with a general authority since that'll probably never happen again.
We also had a New Zealand-wide video conference yesterday. Elder Bednar said he cheers for the All Blacks. Loved it. Elder Bednar talked about the importance of continuously strengthening our testimony and ongoing conversion so that we don't fall away.
We're in the process of having some miracles right now. Had a lesson with a part-member family. The husband is an RM, the wife has been "investigatring" the church for 8 years, been through 13 sets of missionaries, and we had an amazing lesson with her last week. She said she almsot didn't come b/c she was tired, but her grandma told her that bad things happen before good things are about to happen and she was right! We were just asking questions and getting to know her, and then she told us her concern, she's afraid to tell her family she wants to be baptized, and she said, "I guess I need to tell my family I want to be baptized." and then she said she's never said, "I want to be baptized" in front of her husband or in front of missionaries. Yay! We stopped by last night and her family was there and she hadn't told them yet, praying that things worked out and that she did tell them.
There's another part member family in the Tongan ward. The wife was set for baptism weeks ago, but then decided she wanted to wait for her husband to get the Melchizedek priesthood so he could give her the Holy Ghost as well. And he did get it. We've stopped by twice and only met the mother in law and haven't been able to get a hold of Josie, apparently she's planning on getting baptized this Saturday...praying to get in contact with her.
Love you! Hope you have a good week!
Ofa atu,
     Sister Mullen
PS attached a picture of all the cows we saw across the street from the Temple. Never seen so many that close. That's New Zealand.

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