
July 27-Aug 24:
Sister Allyson Mullen
MTC Mailbox # 205
NZE-AUC 0824
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Aug 24-Dec 2012 (letters only! ...if you feel so inclined to send me a package half way across the world, talk to my sister):
New Zealand Auckland Mission
P.O. Box 33-840
Takapuna, North Shore City 0740
New Zealand
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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving over there

Well, we had our 2nd transfer last week and as much as Sister Perry and I wanted to stay together for Christmas (b/c we both love it so much) we were quite certain that one of us would be transferred because she's my trainer, and we were both thinking I was going to be the one staying. We were in the car with the Elders giving them a ride when they got the call about transfers, and we both ended up staying her in Tauranga! We were shocked. We said we probably wouldn't have believed the elders when they called us if we weren't in the car for the call, haha. I was telling Sister Perry how I was bracing myself for the worst, but I've been so blessed with my comp in the MTC and especially Sister Perry. She has helped me so much and we're just such good friends now! I really do feel like a married couple sometimes, haha. So we clearly need to be in this area for a reason, and things have been slow lately, so we're trying to think of how to do things differently, and I was getting pretty stressed last week with everything that's going on and trying to get less actives back to church. It's just a lot of work in this bring it! & I'll try not to stress out too much, haha. We're also planning a Christmas musical fireside for our ward, so that was adding to the stress as well. Saturday we were going to visit a lot of former investigators because we figured it's easier to say no over the phone instead of in person, but unfortunately a lot had moved, or still weren't interested. But one house, the formers had moved, and so we asked the lady living there now if she was interested and she said , "I think you're all crazy!" and walked off laughing and waving her arms and said, "I don't believe in visible people in the sky!" Not sure if that was about the first vision or what, but it was just really funny. I know lots of people think I'm crazy, but they don't always tell me. Oh the people you get to meet as a missionary!

I almost forgot that Thanksgiving was this week, clearly that doesn't exist here, so we won't be doing anything special. We're eating with some members in our ward on Thursday who told us that they found a place that sells New York sized pizzas (as in American sized pizzas. Here, a large is probably a medium in the states), they were pretty excited telling us about the pizzas, so it looks like we'll be having pizza for Thanksgiving. Oh, and Zone Conference that day, too.

I attached a picture of our district. This was after district meeting last week and we were pretty sure there were going to be some big changes, but it turns out only one elder got transferred from our district, so we're still all together. I'm excited because we're all pretty good friends. In the picture, (L to R): Elder Naicker, me, Elder Martin (who got transferred to Niue, check it out on a map. They stay there for 6 months because it's another country so they have to get another visa, and they just do service the whole time since all 2000 ppl there have heard about the gospel, kind of awesome) Elder Fuataga in front (don't tell him I said so, but obviously he loves the camera), Elder Thomas is behind him, and Sister Perry!

Funny story: The Zone Leaders asked me if my first name was Algah because they saw the card I got from Izzy, but the weird thing is when they asked me that, they also gave me a letter (from Chelsey :) ) that obviously had Allyson on it and they've given me mail in the past, but apparently only looked at that one card. Not the brightest bunch sometimes, haha

I also attached a picture of one of the many gorgeous sunsets we have! The weather has been beautiful here this past week! Like I've said a million times before, it's going to be weird having a warm Christmas, but I'm excited!

Love and miss you all! Have a good thanksgiving!

    Sister Mullen

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