
July 27-Aug 24:
Sister Allyson Mullen
MTC Mailbox # 205
NZE-AUC 0824
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Aug 24-Dec 2012 (letters only! ...if you feel so inclined to send me a package half way across the world, talk to my sister):
New Zealand Auckland Mission
P.O. Box 33-840
Takapuna, North Shore City 0740
New Zealand
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hello....From the Future

Kia Ora!
Guess what, I'm really here in New Zealand! My goodness. I still don't know if it's really hit me, but it definitely helps that everyone is driving on the wrong side of the road! It's going to take getting used to so I'm not always on the verge of telling them they're going around the round about the wrong way. 
Oh, Mom...send me my coat ASAP! It's pretty cold here. I'm fine in my hoodie, but a coat is way nicer and if I'm going to be outside a ton, a coat would be much appreciated. It might be colder today b/c it rained right before we got here, but I think it will be raining a lot. 
The flight actually wasn't that bad, I slept for a lot of it, but it still wasn't that great of sleep. The plane was HUGE, and I loved how all the flight attendants had accents. (Oh, & bless the elders I flew out with and their precious 19 year old souls. They asked how I knew how to find the gate once I got to the airport. Uhh...imagine that, they have signs and montiors telling me where Air New Zealand is like they knew I didn't know where to go! haha) 
I feel so lame here, I need an accent now! haha. So far, I LOVE my mission president and his wife, and like mom said, I love the way they talk too. They're from Perth, Australia, & the APs are from NZ (he moved to UT when he was young) & the other is from Australia, hence I'm surrounded my accents. 
There was another sister who came from the NZ MTC. She's from Tonga and speaking tongan and so precious, and super touchy and keeps linkng arms with me. You won't believe me, but it's not bothering me. I won't meet my trainer til tomorrow (we're just going orientation today and they're letting us go to a motel to sleep and shower & then we'll come back for more orientation and dinner), Oh, & if Carly reads this (my friend from BYU) it's Sis. Perry. I'll be in the Taraunga zone, I think, I was kind of confused looking at the magical board of all the companionships, but I just know it's south and in the country. I'm excited! & I have a car, woot woot! Oh, & my mission pres didn't know I'm a VC sister, & they lost 5 VC sisters last week, so I'm hoping I'll go to the VC after I'm done training, which will be November and I'll be there for Christmas! & we had to go "preach by the way" just walk around the block the mission home is on and try to talk to people, & it hit me that I"m really here to talk to ppl about the gospel! I was saying how I didn't know what to say & Sis. Lakai (the tongan sister) was telling me, "just start talking to them, ask them questions to get to know them and then share your testimony." As simple as that! I can already tell the faith that polynesians have! 
Well p-days are on Monday, so Sundays for you. I'll email you then. Don't forget to send my coat mom... & a scarf might not hurt! I love all of you so much!
-Sis Mullen

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