
July 27-Aug 24:
Sister Allyson Mullen
MTC Mailbox # 205
NZE-AUC 0824
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Aug 24-Dec 2012 (letters only! ...if you feel so inclined to send me a package half way across the world, talk to my sister):
New Zealand Auckland Mission
P.O. Box 33-840
Takapuna, North Shore City 0740
New Zealand
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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easters!

Kia Ora!
Definitely an interesting week, lots of random stories...tried feijoas for the first time this week, don't even ask me how to describe a feijoa, my comp described it as a mix between a kiwi and a cucumber...but way better that what that sounds. We even had feijoa and apple cake at dinner last night, yum. But it seems like everyone has a feijoa tree and the feijoas are just raining down on us from members!
One night, Sister Tovale decided she was going to chop her hair off. I got it on video, haha. She just pulled her hair over her head, and started chopping with the scissors. I helped even it up in the end, I think she cut off about 7 inches or so, haha.
Crizazy story: last minute things changed, I was supposed to go out with Sister Joost that evening with her area, but I ended up staying at the VC. I started talking to this guy at a kiosk, we just introduced ourselves real quick, then he asked me if I had any brothers and sisters, and I said yes, then he asked if I had an older brother, and then I was getting really confused because it seemed like he knew one of my brothers, and I said I had 3 older brothers, and then he blew it and said that he served in Ryan's ward and that they said he was supposed to give me a hard time, but couldn't do it, haha. But yeah, small world! It was his stake's temple week, but he was only able to come down that day because he had work off. I feel I've definitely had some tender mercies being able to be at the visitor's centre at the right night to meet certain people. But I got talking to him about how many we baptized last year in our mission (PS it was 1845) and he said that they had about 400 in their mission and it just made me even more thankful to be serving here where the people are so prepared!
Saturday night we found out that our trio is getting broken up!! Definitely mixed feelings, it'll obviously be good because our schedule has been crazy lately and our proselyting time has been cut shorter, but really really sad because we have a ton of fun when we're together. Maybe a little bit too much fun! haha, I was just thinking how I wish we could all be together for more than one transfer, and here our adventures are over in 2 weeks! It'll be quiet going back to just 2 of us, but it'll be good. I am so thankful I got to serve with Sister Joost for even at least 2 weeks, we've found out we are quite similiar, as in maybe we both love all things cheesy, she might have a Hannah Montana blanket and socks. Don't tell her I told you! haha
Had a very intersting MCM last week in one of our wards. The ward mission leader has been back from his mission for like 6 months, and MCM started off a little rough, our personalities were not quite getting a long, mostly because I got sick of hearing his mission stories and I felt everytime we meet with him, he tries to correct me on something, but it ended up turning into an amazing learning experience, just things I need to chill out about and how to show my charity better. Anywho, it came out that sisters were brought into this area like 3 years ago because of naughty elders, and that members still have that barrier up. Good to know because some of the members are quite cold! I was quite flattered when our WML said that the first time he met me, he could tell that I was someone who could get along with members (when I've just been thinking how I don't feel like I clicked with any of the members in my past area) and he said that I was talking to him and his mom (we had dinner when i first met him) and he could tell that I wanted to talk to them because I loved them as children of God (and I've also been thinking of how I need to develop more charity and to be able to show more love for our investigators and members and everyone I work with!) That was probably the best compliment I've ever gotten because neither one of those attributes sound like how I would describe myself, and I just took that as a sign that the Lord trusts us to turn things around in these wards! It's gonna be hard, but bring it!
In one ward, they asked me to introduce myself and share my testimony about the Savior and I just realized how thankful I am for every opportunity I have to share my testimony about Christ because my love for Him and the Atonement has grown so much since I've been on my mission and it grows every time I share it! One of my new favorite scriptures is Mosiah 3:17, "And moreover I say unto you that there shall be no other name given, nor any other way, nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent." I know that Christ lives and that only through Christ we can return to live with Heavenly Father! I am so thankful to be a part of the Lord's work and to be able to help others come closer to Christ! Happy Easter! Sorry for the long email, Love you all, hope you have a fabulous week!
-Sister Mullen

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