
July 27-Aug 24:
Sister Allyson Mullen
MTC Mailbox # 205
NZE-AUC 0824
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Aug 24-Dec 2012 (letters only! ...if you feel so inclined to send me a package half way across the world, talk to my sister):
New Zealand Auckland Mission
P.O. Box 33-840
Takapuna, North Shore City 0740
New Zealand
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Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...oh wait


     Well, things are starting to warm up here and I love it! This transfer feels like it's been pretty slow, but it's crazy thinking we only have a week and a half more, and even crazier that we only have one week left of my training. Ahh, it's going to be weird only having comp study for an hour a day instead of two hours, an hour seems like hardly enough time! & who wants to talk to you at 10 am?

So this week, we met up with this guy that we taught one lesson to a couple weeks ago, and it turns out that the day after our lesson he got an email about the Mormon beliefs, and of course it was wrong and written by a non-member. He gave it to us and we just glanced over it, it had a lot of true stuff, but plenty of false stuff. Especially the last sentence that says that Mormons are led by a distorted view of God's nature and whatever else. Anywho, the lesson we taught him was about the Restoration and about reading and praying about the Book of Mormon to receive an answer, but he took this email that he randomly got the next day as his answer, so we talked about how the only way he can really find out if the Book of Mormon is true and if this is the true church of Jesus Christ, then he needs to sincerely read, ponder, and pray to receive an answer. We asked him if he had, and obviously he hadn't. Hopefully we'll be able to go see him tomorrow and we'll see how he's been going. It's been so hard to get our investigators to read the Book of Mormon lately. Like this one man we are teaching, he's married to a member and has been to church several times. Last week, as in October 30, we went over the Book of Mormon intro with him about reading, pondering, and praying, and then yesterday we had another lesson with him (he lives in Katikati, so we only get to seem them once, maybe twice a week) and he hasn't read at all, and we asked him if we had gone over the intro with him, and he said no, so we went over it again, and then afterwards I realized we had gone over it with him. Ugh. So we also talked about how as you pray and come to know the Book of Mormon is true, you can also come to know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet, and that this is the true church of Jesus Christ, and he said he really wants to know if this is the true church, so I hope he really does read this week! Things have been a little slow this week, we're trying so hard to know what to do to get things moving.

Oh! So last week I had been talking about how I just want to read the Book of Mormon super fast for once, so on Wednesday we decided to start reading and finish it by transfers on the 17th and it's been so fun! Every meal we eat at home, we eat super fast and read the rest of the hour and come home and read at night, I said it's like reading Harry Potter, haha, you just get sucked in. And it's cool because it just gives me a different perspective of the Book of Mormon and is helping me see how all the people and all the experiences relate to each other better, even though we were talking about how we want a family tree of the people of the Book of Mormon so we can know how everyone is related.

Well, I think that's about it for this week. Hope everything is going well with everyone. Sounds like Dad had fun in California last week. I still can't get over how big the primary is in your ward, Kurt and Jenn. And feel free to send me Halloween pictures anyone!

One more thing, so Saturday was Guy Fawkes' day here, and Guy Fawkes' apparently tried to blow up some government/parliament building (I'm not really sure) in now people in New Zealand have bon fires and set off fireworks. Doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, but that's what they do! It's been fun to see fireworks all weekend.

Love you all!
      -Sister Mullen

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